Friday, July 6, 2012


I have been slacking on the updates lately so I'm trying to remember what's happened in the past two weeks!  Unfortunately for Minnie, it has been extremely hot here, so that means less walks/fetch/outdoor activities. The ground is even too hot for her paws - she kept picking one paw up at a time when she was standing on the driveway. Poor pup! 

However, whenever she gets the opportunity, Minnie LOVES swimming in the pool!  We actually raced (doggy paddle) across the pool, and she beat me! She'd probably be an even better swimmer if she quit trying to drink all of the water while swimming. She threw up a couple times after taking a dip, so hopefully she learned her lesson!

Minnie has also discovered that she has flying skills. One night I was in the bedroom and she zoomed in from the hallway, bounced off the bed, flew in the air, and landed on the dresser. Even though she was definitely NOT supposed to be up there, it was pretty funny/strange seeing a 50+ pound dog standing on a dresser! I think she freaked herself out a little though because she hopped down pretty quickly.  We're pretty sure Minnie thinks she's a cat. 

Over the past few months we've come to find that Minnie's not really afraid of anything, which is good I suppose! She used to be a little afraid of the vacuum and she's still slightly afraid of the dust buster, but besides that, she's not bothered by loud noises or new situations. Although we call her a cat, she's definitely not a scaredy cat!

Sunbathing Pup

Happy 4th of July everyone!

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