Monday, January 30, 2012

The Pupdate

My furry friend came back from her trip to the farm yesterday, and let me tell you, I missed her a ton!  From what Husband says, however, Minnie had a GREAT time! I could tell she must've had a blast, because she slept the entire day yesterday!  She also greeted me with a lot of crying, rolling around, jumping, licking, and slobbering.  So I guess my biggest fear did not come true - she didn't forget who I am!  Although she was only gone a day, I swear she looks bigger. She was also a whole lot stinkier. But a nice trip to the tub with her Viva la Dog Spa shampoo took care of the stench!

Here's a photo of her from the weekend - it is NOT Photoshopped! She's really smiling!

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