Friday, May 25, 2012

Nonstop Panting

This weekend is supposed to be hot. I mean HOT. Tomorrow's high is 99 degrees. I know last summer it was over 100 for basically the whole season, so 99 isn't that bad I guess, but it's still only May!  The reason I'm mentioning the weather report is that I know what Minnie's going to be doing a lot of this weekend: panting!

My poor pup started panting a ton back in March when it was like 80. She doesn't know what's in store for her!  And more panting = more drooling.  And more drooling = even grosser floors than we already have!  I just feel bad for Minn because she won't be getting a lot of outdoor playtime this weekend, even though it's a 3 day weekend and Husband and I will be home the whole time.  When we take her on a walk, I guess we'll have to do it at 7 am so she can bear being outside!

Wednesday was my birthday and Minnie gave me a special treat...she ate a pile of poo outside (SICK) and then licked me!  Thanks Minnie! She also sported the Cardinals hat for 5 seconds so Husband could get a picture and send it to me. What a special lady! Haha.

Go Cards!

I'm staying on the porch where the temps are cooler!

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