Friday, March 1, 2013

Get Out of Here, Winter!

The date may say March 1, but you wouldn't know it by looking outside! For about the third or fourth time in a week, it is snowing. Which means every time we let Minnie out, she comes back in soaking wet, muddy, and cold. Plus, poor Minn hasn't gotten to go on many walks lately because of all this snow, and she sure is getting restless!  As much as I hate the snow, it is pretty funny to watch Minn galloping through it and digging around with her nose...she certainly enjoys it!

Nothing too exciting has been going on in Minn-world lately. A couple weeks ago her cousin Jack came to stay with us, and Minn had a blast. Jack, on the other hand, probably could've done with some more snoozing time and less "Minn in my face" time.  As you can tell from the picture below, Minnie likes to steal whatever Jack is playing with.  It doesn't matter that there's 2 other bones laying next to him, Minnie has to steal the EXACT bone Jack's chewing. What a punk! We tried to teach her about sharing her was a lost cause. Poor Jack!

Quit being a brat, Minn!

Other updates - Minnie has been sleeping mostly in her bed instead of her crate, which is great because we're looking forward to moving that honkin thing out of our living room!  Initially when we got her bed, she would get up at 2 am and "party" as we called it (squeak her toys and run around the house). So for awhile, she was still sleeping in the crate. But we've gradually been letting her stay in her bed and I think she's really getting used to it.  If we don't put the gate up in the hallway (to block her off from the back of the house), she'll wander around in the dark and steal shoes out of the guest room closet!  

Minnie got a bath last week but we're thinking her next cleaning might have to be done by a groomer...she just has too much fur!  Plus she's starting to look a little shaggy.  She's never been groomed before so I'm wondering what she'll do...I wish they could videotape it!

Maybe when I get groomed I'll get some cool hair clips, like this one my mom put on me!

Look how fluffy my "vest" is!