The word on the street (aka Husband told me) is that Minnie had a dead rabbit in her mouth today. Did she kill it herself? We will never know...
What we do know is that Minnie's been sniffing out some strange backyard creatures lately. This morning she was barking at a crow, and last weekend she stood as still as a statue and watched a raccoon up in a tree. When she's not watching the other animals like a hawk, she can normally be found eating their poop. Sick! We still love her anyway!
Minn's cold, wet sniffer |
This is a picture from Christmas. (It's blurry because I never really asked anyone if they wanted their picture on a blog, oh well...) Anyways, if you might've noticed, Minnie decided to invite herself to the family picture, because we all know she never misses a photo op.
I like this picture for several reasons:
1. It looks like she's some weird creep/lurker who just happened to wander in another family's photo
2. She's not looking at the camera, so it makes her seem even more like a creep.
3. It's always hilarious when animals photo bomb pictures
4. I'm pretty sure she knew what she was doing here (she meant to mess up their picture).
Oh Minnie, I hope you enjoyed your moment of fame! She also got to enjoy some "holiday time" on our bed on Christmas. Husband hates when she gets on the bed, but since it was a holiday, we let her up there. I think she took a nap on it for 3 hours straight. What a life!