Tuesday, March 27, 2012


...Minnie loves the tub!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Losing Track of Time

I was sitting here browsing around on Pinterest when I realized that I haven't written in quite some time!  And I'm sure everyone's just itching to know what Minnie's latest antics are, right? :)

Our furry friend is finally feeling up to par, after a few weeks of tummy troubles and vet visits. We switched her food to ProPlan which has seemed to help a lot. We've also been watching her more closely in the yard - since we noticed that a slug, in its entirety, traveled through her system the other day. Sickening! But overall, Minnie's doing just fine and we are thrilled about that!

A couple of funny things did happen over the past couple of weeks though, so I felt the need to share!
  • Minnie's new thing is running to the back of the house, barging in the bathroom, and climbing in the tub!  One day we couldn't even find her because she got in with the curtain closed. What a silly!
  • She also figured out how to jump on the bed - by taking a flying leap off the bench in front of our bed. I was actually still in bed the first time this happened. It was quite a surprise!
  • She has been demonstrating her army crawl skills by somehow scooting under the bed and coming out the other side...even though there's a bunch of storage bins under there!
Minnie turned 6 months old last week...can you believe it? See photo below...she was 6 pounds when we got her, and now she's nearing 40! WHY DOES TIME GO SO FAST????

Ok, enough of my lamenting about losing track of time - I'm off to see what the pupster is getting into now! (Hopefully not the trash again....)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Doing Much Better

So Minnie really does have a little stomach parasite (it wasn't from eating crap in the backyard like we thought). However, it's a good thing the vet could detect it, because it's an easy fix with a bit of medicine. So Minnie is on the road to recovery!  She's already acting more puppy-ish and playful, so we know she'll be fine. What a relief!

Minnie came to work with me on Friday - that was....interesting. She climbed all over me in the car, had her face an inch from mine, put her paw on my shoulder, and then tried to hop in my lap (while I was driving). Then we got to my office, and she would not. stop. CRYING!  I don't know what the deal was! Maybe she didn't like being closed in my office with me? Or maybe she had to go to the bathroom (since this was before we knew she was sick). All I know is, I won't be taking her to work with me for quite awhile!  She even barked when my coworker came in the front door - I guess she felt the need to protect us all from intruders!  

At work with my mom!  Looking happy here...
even though I wasn't!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sick Puppy

We have a sick puppy on our hands! Poor Minnie! She's been having tummy troubles since Wednesday and it's not really getting any better. We're taking her to the vet today though, so hopefully we can get the problem straightened out ASAP! I don't like seeing my furry friend looking all sad and glazed-eyed!  She is just not acting like her normally peppy self, so I know she's not feeling well. I feel bad that I dragged her on a 2 mile walk on Saturday...I thought she was doing better at the time so I made her go with me :( Get better soon, Minnie!!!

On my walk Saturday I felt like this.... 
...but today I feel more like this :(