Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Day is Looming...

Yesterday I made an appointment for Minnie to get fixed next Tuesday - yikes! Today we're going to the vet to get blood work done so they'll be able to tell if she can handle the anesthesia. I know having the surgery isn't a big deal, but I also know I'm going to be worrying about her all day!  I just don't want to see her all sad/in pain afterwards. I'm sure she'll recover quickly and be back to her silly antics in no time!  

As Minnie keeps growing, you can definitely tell she has her own little goofy personality. She is so particular about certain things that I never imagined dogs cared about!  For example, when we let her out of her kennel in the morning and she's on her way to the back door, she always stops, picks up a toy, flings it backwards over her head, and continues on out the door. Weirdo!  I love it though...she makes things super interesting at our house!

Minn at the farm - looking quite proud!

Note about the picture above - She busted out of her baby collar a couple weeks ago, so she's now sporting a collar that belonged to her Aunt Bea!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Pupdate

My furry friend came back from her trip to the farm yesterday, and let me tell you, I missed her a ton!  From what Husband says, however, Minnie had a GREAT time! I could tell she must've had a blast, because she slept the entire day yesterday!  She also greeted me with a lot of crying, rolling around, jumping, licking, and slobbering.  So I guess my biggest fear did not come true - she didn't forget who I am!  Although she was only gone a day, I swear she looks bigger. She was also a whole lot stinkier. But a nice trip to the tub with her Viva la Dog Spa shampoo took care of the stench!

Here's a photo of her from the weekend - it is NOT Photoshopped! She's really smiling!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Missin' Minnie

Today Husband is taking Minnie to the farm, and I am not going with them. Man, am I going to miss that pup! (And I suppose Husband too!) For the 2 months we've had Minnie, I've never been away from her for more than 10 hours. They will be returning tomorrow night, so it's a pretty short trip, but I am afraid the following things are going to happen:
  • Minnie will forget who I am 
  • She will grow huge and won't have her puppy looks anymore
  • She will go swimming in the icy cold lake (even though Husband swears he's not taking her near it)
  • She will get filthy and stinky (I am 99.999% sure this will happen)
  • She'll get eaten by a coyote
  • She'll wander around looking for me, crying hopelessly (Actually I kind of want her to miss me!)
  • She'll roll around in cow poop (Probably will happen also)
Anyways, I can't speculate about everything that's going to happen during the next 24 hours, but I guess I'll hear all about her adventures tomorrow night! Have a good time on your first overnight excursion, Minnie Moo!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Minnie Recommends...

The day we got Minnie, she wasn't too interested in her toys. Or bones. Or treats. Or even food. But there was one thing she immediately focused her attention on - her Lambchop toy. She LOVES her Lamby!

Since day one, Minnie has carried her Lamby around everywhere. At the beginning, Minnie was so small she couldn't even get the squeaker sound to work on Lamby! Now Lamby resides in her kennel, so she can snuggle with her at night.

You'd assume that with Minnie's increasing "puppyness" (aka ripping up stuff and teething), Lamby probably wouldn't last long at our house. That is not the case! Minnie treats Lamby like she's her baby. Not a thread has been ripped off dear Lamby's body!

So Minnie's recommendation for this week is the Lambchop toy (size small) available at Petco. I think it's even on sale this week! You can find it by clicking here.

Lamby all clean and white

Minnie's true love

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's Play Time!

Lately Minnie has been wanting to play with us NONSTOP. It seems like nothing can wear her out anymore! We've taken her on long walks, played fetch with her in the backyard, wrestled around with her...and still she'll come up to us with one of her toys, waving it around in our faces!

Minnie definitely has more energy these days - and she is definitely growing! She is 4 months old now, and probably about 25 lbs. She gained 10 lbs in 3 weeks! I can barely pick her up (mostly because she won't stop licking my face when I do...she is so friendly!) All her soft, fuzzy baby fur is gone (boo) and her teeth are falling out as well. Our little baby is growing up!

Yesterday we took Minnie on her longest walk yet, which was full of new experiences for her! She had her first encounter with a flock of ducks, and she also met a new dog. That's not unusual she met a new doggie friend, but the funny thing was that her fur on her back stood up on end when she first spotted it!  I guess she was on the defense!

Besides one accident on our rug last week, Minnie's been doing pretty well with the house training. She also hasn't had any "big adventures" (escapes) out of the yard, so that's good news. Next weekend will be full of new experiences for her - she's having her first visit to the farm with her (human) dad! I can't wait to hear all about the trip when they get back!  


Practicing fetch...she's getting pretty good!

Hello, I am cute

Watching the Mizzou game!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Keeping Up with Minnie

Hello! Things have been pretty busy around here - so I have been slacking on the posts! Minnie enjoyed her first holiday season - she went to the fam's house for Christmas, where she played with her cousin Jack, ate lots of yummy food, went for a walk (since it was WARM outside), and left us a little Christmas "present" in the dining room! So far, she left us a lovely present in the house on Thanksgiving, the first night of Hanukkah, and then on Christmas day. We were expecting her to leave us some on New Year's (since holiday "presents" seem to be her thing), but we lucked out!

Minnie is about 3.5 months old now, and she's starting to lose her puppy fur! It makes me sad! Not only because it's all over the house and all over our clothes (I don't mind it so much), but mainly because that means she's turning into a big girl!! I love her puppy fur...it's so soft! This new stuff seems to be kind of coarse. Hopefully she'll grow some more fuzzy fur in soon!

Husband and I left Minnie at his parents house on Christmas for about an hour while we went home to change. And boy, did Minnie miss us! According to his sister, when Minnie noticed we were gone, she walked all over the house looking for us and crying at the same time. Then she laid under the hall table, where she could get a view of both the front door and back door to see if we were coming back in! Poor Minn! She missed her Ma and Daddy!

Minnie's been on about 4 actual walks, and so far she's been doing well (for a puppy). I think instead of walks, we should probably call them zig zags! She is seriously all over the place. She wants to run, sniff stuff, stop, sniff stuff, walk right under my feet, walk way ahead of me, walk behind me....pretty much she likes to walk anywhere but next to me! We'll keep working on it though. We're lucking out because the weather's been so nice - I was worried about her being cooped up all winter! We've also been working with Minnie on her skills - so far she knows sit, stay (kind of), lay down (kind of), crate (she runs right in there when it's time for bed!), and she's working on shake. What a busy girl!

Now that the holidays are over, things will probably get back to normal around our house. We've had tons of visitors wanting to see Minnie, and it seems like each time someone comes over, she gets a new bone or toy! Lucky dog!

Christmas wore her out hardcore! 

Sleeping on her back with her paws on the wall...what a weirdo.

Hi pretty!

Snoozin...usually followed by a giant stretch!